8 research outputs found

    A BDI Empathic Agent Model Based on a Multidimensional Cross-Cultural Emotion Representation

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Los seres humanos somos por naturaleza seres afectivos, las emociones, el estado de ánimo, nuestra personalidad, o nuestras relaciones con los demás guían nuestras motivaciones y nuestras decisiones. Una de las principales habilidades cognitivas relacionadas con el afecto es la empatía. La empatía es un constructo psicológico cuya definición ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de los años y cuyo significado hace referencia a un amplio abanico de competencias afectivas y cognitivas que son fundamentales en el desarrollo del ser humano como ser social. El uso de la empatía en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial puede revolucionar la forma en la que interactuamos con las máquinas así como la forma en la que simulamos el comportamiento humano. Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que los seres humanos habitualmente acudimos al uso de distintas palabras como ``triste'' o ``contento'' para expresar o verbalizar el estado afectivo. Sin embargo, estas palabras son simplificaciones que abarcan un amplio espectro de procesos cognitivos y estados mentales. Además, hay que considerar que estas palabras tienen una alta dependencia del idioma y la cultura en la que se utilizan. Por tanto, los modelos de representación computacional de los estados afectivos deben se capaces de adaptarse a distintos entornos culturales y de permitir que un agente exprese o represente, mediante palabras, un determinado estado afectivo. En esta tesis se propone un nuevo modelo de agente empático capaz de adaptar su comportamiento a distintos entornos culturales. Para ello, en primer lugar, se presenta una nueva metodología basada en la experimentación para adaptar un espacio de representación de emociones basado en las dimensiones del placer y la activación para la simulación y el reconocimiento computacional afectivo a diferentes entornos culturales. Los resultados del experimento realizado con hispanohablantes europeos se utilizan para proporcionar un nuevo modelo basado en la lógica difusa para representar estados afectivos en las dimensiones de placer y activación utilizando un enfoque de coordenadas polares. Para demostrar que las diferencias culturales afectan a los valores de placer y activación asociados a cada emoción, el experimento se repitió con participantes portugueses y suecos. En segundo lugar, se presenta un nuevo modelo de elicitación de emociones en agentes afectivos que utiliza lógica difusa. Las emociones generadas en el agente por las reglas de valoración difusa se expresan en el modelo de representación del afecto resultante de los experimentos previamente descritos. Además, se propone un nuevo proceso de regulación del afecto que adapta el estado de ánimo del agente, representado mediante un vector en el espacio placer-activación, cada vez que una emoción es elicitada. En tercer lugar, se propone una formalización de la sintaxis, la semántica y el ciclo de razonamiento de AgentSpeak para permitir el desarrollo de agentes afectivos con capacidades empáticas. Partiendo de las teorías de valoración empática y regulación empática, se modifica la estructura de razonamiento del agente para permitir que la empatía afecte al proceso de toma de decisiones. Finalmente, se presenta un modelo de agente pedagógico empático para la educación sobre buenas prácticas en el uso de las redes sociales. El agente es capaz de reconocer la emoción del usuario cuando interactúa con la red social. En base a la emoción del usuario y su comportamiento en la red social, el agente estima un plan para educar al usuario en el uso correcto y seguro de las redes sociales.[CA] Els éssers humans som per naturalesa éssers afectius, les emocions, l'estat d'ànim, la nostra personalitat o les nostres relacions amb els altres guien les nostres motivacions i les nostres decisions. Una de les habilitats cognitives principals relacionades amb l'afecte és l'empatia. L'empatia és un constructe psicològic la definició del qual ha anat evolucionant al llarg dels anys i el significat del qual fa referència a un ampli ventall de competències afectives i cognitives que són fonamentals en el desenvolupament de l'ésser humà com a ésser social. L'ús de l'empatia en l'àmbit de la intel·ligència artificial pot revolucionar la forma en la qual interactuem amb les màquines així com la forma en què simulem el comportament humà. D'altra banda, cal tenir en compte que els éssers humans habitualment acudim a l'ús de diferents paraules com ``trist'' o ``content'' per expressar o verbalitzar l'estat afectiu. Tot i això, aquestes paraules són simplificacions que abasten un ampli espectre de processos cognitius i estats mentals. A més, cal considerar que aquestes paraules tenen una alta dependència de l'idioma i la cultura en què s'utilitzen. Per tant, els models de representació computacional dels estats afectius han de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a diferents entorns culturals i de permetre que un agent expresse o represente, mitjançant paraules, un estat afectiu determinat. En aquesta tesi es proposa un nou model d'agent empàtic capaç d'adaptar el seu comportament a diferents entorns culturals. Per això, en primer lloc, es presenta una metodologia nova basada en l'experimentació per adaptar un espai de representació d'emocions basat en les dimensions del plaer i l'activació per a la simulació i el reconeixement computacional afectiu a diferents entorns culturals. Els resultats de l'experiment realitzat amb hispanoparlants europeus es fan servir per proporcionar un nou model basat en la lògica difusa per representar estats afectius en les dimensions de plaer i activació mitjançant un enfocament de coordenades polars. Per demostrar que les diferències culturals afecten els valors de plaer i activació associats a cada emoció, l'experiment es va repetir amb participants portuguesos i suecs. En segon lloc, es presenta un nou model d'elicitació d'emocions en agents afectius que fa servir lògica difusa. Les emocions generades a l'agent per les regles de valoració difusa s'expressen en el model de representació de l'afecte resultant dels experiments descrits prèviament. A més, es proposa un nou procés de regulació de l'afecte que adapta l'estat d'ànim de l'agent, representat mitjançant un vector a l'espai plaer-activació, cada cop que una emoció és elicitada. En tercer lloc, es proposa una formalització de la sintaxi, semàntica i cicle de raonament d'AgentSpeak per permetre el desenvolupament d'agents afectius amb capacitats empàtiques. Partint de les teories de valoració empàtica i regulació empàtica, es modifica l'estructura de raonament de l'agent per permetre que l'empatia afecti el procés de presa de decisions. Finalment, es presenta un model d'agent pedagògic empàtic per a l'educació sobre bones pràctiques en l'ús de les xarxes socials. L'agent és capaç de reconèixer l'emoció de l'usuari quan interactua amb la xarxa social. En base a l'emoció de l'usuari i el seu comportament a la xarxa social, l'agent estima un pla per educar l'usuari en l'ús correcte i segur de les xarxes socials.[EN] Human beings are, by nature, affective beings; our emotions, moods, personality, or relationships with others guide our motivations and our decisions. One of the main cognitive abilities related to affect is empathy. Empathy is a psychological construct whose definition has evolved over the years and whose meaning refers to a wide range of affective and cognitive competencies that are fundamental in the development of human beings as social beings. The use of empathy in the field of artificial intelligence can revolutionize the way we interact with machines as well as the way we simulate human behavior. On the other hand, it must be considered that human beings usually resort to the use of different words such as ``sad'' or ``happy'' to express or verbalize our affective state. However, these words are simplifications that cover a wide spectrum of cognitive processes and mental states. Moreover, it should be considered that these words have a high dependence on the language and culture in which they are used. Therefore, computational representation models of affective states must adaptable to different cultural environments and to allow an agent to express or represent, by means of words, a given affective state. In this thesis, a new model of empathic agent capable of adapting its behavior to different cultural environments is proposed. To this end, first, a new experiment-based methodology to adapt an emotion representation space based on the dimensions of pleasure and arousal for simulation and affective computational recognition to different cultural environments is presented. The results of an experiment conducted with European Spanish speakers are used to provide a new fuzzy logic-based model for representing affective states in the dimensions of pleasure and arousal using a polar coordinate approach. To prove that cultural differences affect the pleasure and arousal values associated with each emotion, the experiment was replicated with Portuguese and Swedish participants. Secondly, a new model of emotion elicitation in affective agents using fuzzy logic is presented. The emotions generated in the agent by the fuzzy appraisal rules are expressed in the model of affect representation resulting from the previously described experiments. In addition, a new affect regulation process is proposed to adapt the agent's mood, represented by a vector in the pleasure-arousal space, when an emotion is elicited. Third, a formalization of the syntax, semantics and reasoning cycle of AgentSpeak to enable the development of affective agents with empathic capabilities is presented. Drawing on the theories of empathic appraisal and empathic regulation, the agent's reasoning structure is modified to allow empathy to affect the decision-making process. Finally, a model of an empathic pedagogical agent for education on good practices in the use of social networks is introduced. The agent is able to recognize the user's emotion when interacting with the social network. Based on the user's emotion and behavior in the social network, the agent estimates a plan to educate the user in the correct and secure use of social networks.This thesis has been partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana and European Social Fund by the FPI grant ACIF/2017/085 and by the Spanish Government project PID2020- 113416RB-I00.Taverner Aparicio, JJ. (2022). A BDI Empathic Agent Model Based on a Multidimensional Cross-Cultural Emotion Representation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181181TESISCompendi

    Extensión del lenguaje Jason para la gestión de expectativas

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    [ES] Los sistemas multi-agente están adquiriendo cada vez mayor importancia en el área de la tecnología de la información ya que proporcionan escalabilidad, adaptabilidad, versatilidad, autonomía y tienen una alta tolerancia a fallos. Pero en la mayoría de los sistemas multi-agente actuales, el proceso de razonamiento de los agentes es meramente racional, olvidando el componente afectivo inherente a todo proceso de razonamiento humano. En los últimos años la introducción de emociones para simular un razonamiento más humano en agentes software está adquiriendo una gran relevancia y han aparecido numerosas propuestas para incorporar componentes afectivos en los agentes. Dentro de este marco, en este trabajo final de grado, se propone realizar una extensión del lenguaje de programación de sistemas multi-agente Jason con el objetivo de permitir el uso de expectativas que representen un componente mental anticipatorio en el proceso de razonamiento. Las expectativas en un agente son una de las bases sobre las que se generarán emociones (esperanza, miedo, satisfacción, decepción) en función de que dichas expectativas se vean o no satisfechas. Este proceso de creación y evaluación de expectativas permitirá modificar el estado afectivo del agente, y por lo tanto, influir posteriormente en su proceso de toma de decisiones. Esta extensión de Jason, es un módulo que será incluido en el desarrollo de la arquitectura para agentes afectivos GenIA3 . En este trabajo se realizarán las partes que corresponden a la modificación del analizador léxico-sintáctico y semántico así como todo el sistema de transiciones entre estados de los agentes Jason para incluir el manejo de las expectativas. También se realizan el diseño y la implementación del sistema de comprobación del cumplimiento de expectativas que permita modificar el estado afectivo del agente. Finalmente se ha diseñado un agente emocional en Jason que permite comprobar el correcto funcionamiento de la extensión realizada.[EN] Multi-agent systems are becoming increasingly important in the area of information technology as they provide scalability, adaptability, versatility, autonomy and have a high fault tolerance to faults. But in most of the current multi-agent systems, the process of reasoning is merely rational, forgetting the affective component inherent in any process of human reasoning. In recent years the introduction of emotions on software agents to simulate a more realistic human reasoning is acquiring a great relevance and many proposals have appeared to incorporate affective components into agents. In this final degree work, the proposed framework makes an extension of the Jason multi-agent programming language with the aim of allowing the use of expectations that represent an anticipatory mental component in the process of thinking. The expectations in an agent are the foundation on which it will generate emotions (hope, fear, satisfaction, disappointment) depending on which of these expectations are or not satisfied. This process of creation and evaluation of expectations will allow to modify the affective state of the agent, and therefore influence later in its decision-making process. This extension of Jason, is a module that will be included in the architecture for affective agents GenIA3 . In this work we will carry out the parts that correspond to the modification of the lexical, syntactical and semantical analyzer as well as the entire system of transitions between the states of the Jason agents reasoning cycle to include the management of expectations. It was also carried out the design and implementation of the verification system to check fulfilment of expectations that can change the affective state of the agent. Finally an emotional agent in Jason has been designed that allows to check the correct operation of the realized extension.Taverner Aparicio, JJ. (2016). Extensión del lenguaje Jason para la gestión de expectativas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/69297.TFG

    Gestión de la personalidad en la arquitectura de agentes emocionales GenIA3

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    When it is desired to imitate human behavior using software agents it is necessary to add affective characteristics that allow the agents to make the decisions in a more similar way as we do the human beings. One of the affective characteristics necessary for the development of these emotional agents is the personality. Personality affects emotional processes and decision making. In order to be able to introduce different types of personality that allow to define agents different from each other the student must extend the GenIA3 architecture to allow the use of personality profiles, studying how to include their use in the agent's reasoning process, Decision making and in their affective state.Cuando se desea imitar el comportamiento humano empleando agentes software es necesario agregarles características afectivas que permitan a los agentes tomar las decisiones de una forma más similar a como lo hacemos los seres humanos. Una de las características afectivas necesaria para el desarrollo de estos agentes emocionales es la personalidad. Las personalidad afecta en los procesos emocionales y en la toma de decisiones. Para poder introducir distintos tipos de personalidad que permitan definir agentes distintos unos de otros el alumno deberá extender la arquitectura GenIA3 para permitir el uso de perfiles de personalidad, estudiando la forma en la que incluir su uso en el proceso de razonamiento del agente, en la toma de decisiones y en su estado afectivo.[CA] En els últims anys hi ha hagut un interès creixent per la computació emocional. Aquest tipus de computació tracta d’incloure i/o emprar les emocions en diferents processos software. Una de les àrees més prometedores actualment, és l’àrea de la simulació d’emocions, on es tracta d’aplicar models emocionals que permeten simular un comportament més similar al de l’ésser humà. Una de les característiques afectives més rellevants en els processos emocionals és la personalitat. La personalitat es defineix com un conjunt de característiques individuals que influeixen en les motivacions i en els comportaments a l’hora d’enfrontar una determinada circumstància. Per tant, a l’hora de modelar processos afectius, la personalitat juga un factor molt important. Mitjançant la simulació d’emocions es poden millorar, entre d’altres, l’experiència de l’usuari al relacionar-se amb les màquines i les simulacions humanes en processos de presa de decisions emprant sistemes multiagent. En aquest treball proposem un model per a l’ús de la personalitat en una arquitectura per a agents afectius, així com el desenvolupament del model en GenIA3 .Taverner Aparicio, JJ. (2017). Gestión de la personalidad en la arquitectura de agentes emocionales GenIA3. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/86068TFG

    A multidimensional culturally adapted representation of emotions for affective computational simulation and recognition

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    [EN] One of the main challenges in affective computing is the development of models to represent the information that is inherent to emotions. It is necessary to consider that the terms used by humans to name emotions depend on the culture and language used. This article presents an experiment-based method to represent and adapt emotion terms to different cultural environments. We propose using circular boxplots to analyze the distribution of emotions in the Pleasure-Arousal space. From the results of this analysis, we define a new cross-cultural representation model of emotions in which each emotion term is assigned to an area in the Pleasure-Arousal space. An emotion is represented by a vector in which the direction indicates the type, and the module indicates the intensity of the emotion. We propose two methods based on fuzzy logic to represent and express emotions: the emotion representation process in which the term associated with the recognized emotion is defuzzified and projected as a vector in the Pleasure-Arousal space; and the emotion expression process in which a fuzzification of the vector is produced, generating a fuzzy emotion term that is adapted to the culture and language in which the emotion will be used.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government project TIN2017-89156-R, Generalitat Valenciana, and European Social Fund by the FPI Grant ACIF/2017/085, in part GVA-CEICE project PROMETEO/2018/002, and TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215.Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Vivancos, E.; Botti V. (2023). A multidimensional culturally adapted representation of emotions for affective computational simulation and recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 14(1):761-772. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2020.303058676177214

    The use of podcasting for a hybrid flipped classroom

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    [EN] We are currently assisting a social paradigm change motivated by the incorporation, more and more accelerated, of new information technologies (e.g., social networks or content platforms) in our day-today life. The increased availability of online resources in a universal, diverse, and permanent way is modifying how we consume online information and content. This is especially true when it comes to children and teenagers. New generations are increasingly adapting to immediacy and communication through information technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to evolve the educational paradigm to adapt it to this new social reality. Future learning strategies should consider the latest models of social communication, adapting them to achieve learning objectives from the perspective of constructive alignment and the acquisition or improvement of transversal competencies. In this sense, there are currently several technologies that can be incorporated into the classroom. One of the emerging technologies is the podcast. Usually used for entertainment (e.g., stories, books, or radio talks), the podcast is becoming a tool for massive online content distribution. There exist many advantages to using podcasting for an educative purpose, as the production cost (in terms of time) is lower than recording a video. From a content consumer perspective, the main advantage is that an audio-only approach can be used/consumed everywhere and more easily than video media. Some educational podcasts are available online but generally tend to focus on learning languages or history. Outside these specific topics, their use in technology subjects is still residual and mainly focuses on interviews or long expositions. Moreover, in current proposals, the teacher is the one who produces the podcast, and therefore it is a one-way communication model (from the teacher to the students). On the other hand, one of the teaching innovation models that is being increasingly used is the flipped classroom. In the flipped classroom, students are the main protagonists in their learning. They must prepare the theoretical parts on their own, and the teacher serves as a guide during this learning process. In this paper, we propose using the podcast in the flipped classroom model, turning the podcast into a bidirectional tool in which students are both producers and receivers of learning. The proposal consists of dividing the class into small groups of students (2-4). Each group will record a podcast episode on a different conceptual part of the lesson. Group members will have to coordinate and share the activities of recording and searching for content for the podcast. This will encourage transversal skills related to communication and social skills. These podcasts will then be shared with the rest of the groups so that everyone can have direct and permanent access to the different sections of the lesson. Creativity will also be encouraged, allowing students to add the music or sound effects they consider necessary to enhance the explanation.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Consellería d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciencia i Societat Digital from Comunitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (Investing In Your Future) (APOSTD/2021/227 and CIPROM/2021/077), the Spanish Ministry of Science (project PID2021-123673OB-C31) and the Research Services of Universitat Politècnica de València. Jaume Jordán is supported by grant IJC2020-045683-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR".Marco-Detchart, C.; Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Jordán, J. (2023). The use of podcasting for a hybrid flipped classroom. IATED. 3119-3124. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2023.08633119312

    From Affect Theoretical Foundations to Computational Models of Intelligent Affective Agents

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    [EN] The links between emotions and rationality have been extensively studied and discussed. Several computational approaches have also been proposed to model these links. However, is it possible to build generic computational approaches and languages so that they can be "adapted " when a specific affective phenomenon is being modeled? Would these approaches be sufficiently and properly grounded? In this work, we want to provide the means for the development of these generic approaches and languages by making a horizontal analysis inspired by philosophical and psychological theories of the main affective phenomena that are traditionally studied. Unfortunately, not all the affective theories can be adapted to be used in computational models; therefore, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the most suitable theories. In this analysis, we identify and classify the main processes and concepts which can be used in a generic affective computational model, and we propose a theoretical framework that includes all these processes and concepts that a model of an affective agent with practical reasoning could use. Our generic theoretical framework supports incremental research whereby future proposals can improve previous ones. This framework also supports the evaluation of the coverage of current computational approaches according to the processes that are modeled and according to the integration of practical reasoning and affect-related issues. This framework is being used in the development of the GenIA(3) architecture.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government projects PID2020-113416RB-I00, GVA-CEICE project PROMETEO/2018/002, and TAILOR, a project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 952215.Alfonso, B.; Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Vivancos, E.; Botti, V. (2021). From Affect Theoretical Foundations to Computational Models of Intelligent Affective Agents. Applied Sciences. 11(22):1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112210874S129112

    Evaluating the use of self-video teaching in a flipped classroom

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    [EN] New generations are increasingly becoming more familiar with consuming audio-visual material through online platforms. Consequently, learning through IT-based tools is becoming more and more common. Nowadays, learning platforms (e.g., edX or W3Schools) or content platforms (e.g., YouTube) containing vast amounts of courses and video tutorials are becoming increasingly popular among students. The main advantage of online learning is that students can access the content from anywhere and whenever they want, being able to revisit the content to review concepts and improve their level of knowledge. In this way, learning based on a deep approach and self-learning is promoted since students are the ones who regulate their learning process by deciding how much time to dedicate and when to do it. Appropriately using this type of resource can become a very effective tool applied to a flipped classroom model. In the flipped classroom model, students are active learners since they are in charge of developing the lesson material both in class and at home. In this type of learning, the teacher assumes the role of guide assisting during the learning process. A standard methodology in this flipped classroom model consists of students preparing different parts of the course content and then explaining those parts to their classmates. In this way, students develop a sense of responsibility toward the rest of their classmates, creating an environment where they can recognise their shortcomings and take control of their learning to teach others. In addition, the acquisition of transversal communication skills is encouraged. With all this in mind, in this article, we describe a case study we are currently carrying out with students enrolled in the programming course at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Our proposal combines the flipped classroom model with access to online resources. In this first approach, we have proposed that the students record a video explaining a part of the lesson or how to solve at least two exercises step by step. The explanation must be done as if they were content creators, and their audience were beginner programmers. The students will upload the videos to a private YouTube channel that will only be accessible to their classmates. In the classroom, the teacher will encourage students to share their stories and experiences while learning, editing, and recording the videos. This proposal's main objective is to promote students' engagement in the learning process and offer them learning alternatives through online content with a closer language that they can access whenever they need it. To motivate participation, students and teachers will choose the three best videos from all the videos. The three winners will receive extra points in the evaluation of the course.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Consellería d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciencia i Societat Digital from Comunitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (Investing In Your Future) (APOSTD/2021/227 and CIPROM/2021/077), the Spanish Ministry of Science (project PID2021-123673OB-C31) and the Research Services of Universitat Politècnica de València. Jaume Jordán is supported by grant IJC2020-045683-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR".Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Marco-Detchart, C.; Jordán, J.; Vos, TE. (2023). Evaluating the use of self-video teaching in a flipped classroom. IATED. 3133-3138. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2023.08653133313

    A fuzzy appraisal model for affective agents adapted to cultural environments using the pleasure and arousal dimensions

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    [EN] Humans use rather vague and imprecise words to express emotions. Therefore, fuzzy logic allows computational affective models to use emotions in the same way that human beings express them. However, people from different cultures and languages assign different meanings to the same emotion word. Unfortunately, there are still no affective computing models that really take these two factors into consideration. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy model of appraisal for multi-agent systems that is adapted to Spanish-speakers. Our methodology has two steps. First, the agent evaluates an event using a set of fuzzy appraisal rules that returns a fuzzy emotion. Then, a defuzzification process returns the Pleasure and Arousal dimensions of the emotion that will be internally represented as a vector in a two-dimensional space. This vector is used to update the agent's mood according to the agent's personality. The agent can express this internal emotional state using a fuzzification process that translates the agent's mood into a fuzzy emotion. This fuzzification process uses the results of an experiment to generate a fuzzy emotion that is adapted to the cultural environment in which the agent is located. This methodology can be easily adapted to other languages.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government project TIN2017-89156-R, Generalitat Valenciana and European Social Fund by the FPI grant ACIF/2017/085, and GVA-CEICE project PROMETEO/2018/002.Taverner-Aparicio, JJ.; Vivancos, E.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2021). A fuzzy appraisal model for affective agents adapted to cultural environments using the pleasure and arousal dimensions. Information Sciences. 546:74-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2020.08.006748654